Love Me Not

I don’t want to be loved because of my eyes. They will wear out or get teary.
Then you won’t love me anymore.

I don’t want to be loved because of my smile. My lips won’t all the time make that wonderful curves. Sometimes it will pout or shout.
Then you won’t love me anymore.

I don’t want to be loved because of my critical thinking. One day I may be tired and just node to majority.
Then you wills stop loving me.

I don’t want to be loved because of my brain. Someday I may get dementia and stop thinking.
Then you will stop loving me.

I don’t want you to love me because of my divine religion, for that I have my down time.
Then you will leave me and not love me.

I want you to love me because you already ask Allah if we’re allowed to get together. When we based our love on Allah, we love each other and stand the test of time.

I feel a bit stupid to post this thing. Damn. Well, never mind, just so you know.

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